Quote Originally Posted by Hughlysses View Post
I wonder if this isn't a result of the current budget mess in Washington. DOD is still operating under "sequestration" which resulted in automatic, across-the-board budget cuts. Maybe the National Guard suddenly doesn't have the money necessary to sponsor something like this.

It does seem like the series is in trouble if another big sponsor can't be found quickly.
I remember something maybe a year ago when some politicians were complaining about military sponsorships (I think it was specifically related to Nascar), and I remember at the time thinking that the AMA and Jordan sponsorships could be in jeopardy.

I'm sure that even if the money is there, it doesn't look right spending money on things like Nascar and AMA when people are getting laid off, so it was almost inevitable and hopefully the AMA was considering contingencies.

I definitely think they're in trouble, but if they keep pluggin away, I think they'll survive. If I were the AMA, I'd be trying to keep EBR there in at least some capacity. I think an American bike raises a lot of people's interest.