Quote Originally Posted by Plotter View Post
That was quite the response... lol... it's the I'd like my cake... and I'll eat it too... cyclic response...

Honestly... I think Bruce is great... and I hope he makes it work... A very large reason for that, is the fact that he wants it to work as badly as it appears we want it to work... but if Polaris had that same drive... all things being equal... I'd go with Polaris...

Passion can only mean so much... it hasn't placed EBR in the best position so far...

We need the cash... but cash alone (Hero) didn't leave us in the best place either...

if we can get both... from the same entity... that's when we win...

now I'm rambling, going in circles...

The problem is, it's an impossible question for any of us to answer because we have less than 1/10 of 1% of the information we'd need. All we really know about Bruce are the few sentences we've seen here and there.

What if Polaris bought it and buried it? I think that's a real concern. I can imagine Polaris buying at 3 million with the idea that it's a small price to pay to eliminate a competitor . . . and they might also get some interesting tech in return.

Polaris could buy EBR mainly for the engine, for example. Throw everything else away and use the engine for a sport-bike we might see 5 years from now. I don't think something like that would be good for any of us.

Or Harley could say: "You know, if we stretched out this wheelbase, moved the pegs forward, maybe gave it a hard-tail . . . Maybe some ape-hangers with fringe!"

So deciding which of the three would be best would require us knowing what each planned and how equipped they are to carry out that plan . . . and we don't know those answers.