I bought a 2022 with 4 miles on it... you don't want to know how little I paid..!
'Ranger, remember that you have about 600 miles of break in before you get to put the spurs to your new winged horse.
And BEWARE - if you are getting a decent lean angle in a corner and at 'low' rpm you need a very steady throttle hand (all my bikes have 1/4 throttles, so I am used to it).
The HH will do EXACTLY what you ask of it, and that means going off-line if your throttle hand tell the bike to go there.
All in all, even under break in you'll be pleased with how light the steering feels and the engine pull.
I set my clutch/brake lever adjusters to the extreme soft side (5 & 4) - lever pull is still stiff, but very livable - only a Terminator can pull the levers if they're in position #1..!