Well, an update to my optimistic post above.
I'm back from the Texas Mile and mildly disappointed.

Best time(only got 4 runs due to rain/flooding) was 172.7, barely topping my Colorado time of 172.4.
I learned a bunch tho and the quest for speed only continues.

The thicker air at sea level was a huge power boost, first run was like riding a rocket with a light switch for a throttle.
A good part of the mile was on the back tire only, I made 155 on that one.

Before I left, I changed the shift from standard to GP.
No matter how much I chanted to myself down, down, down, I still tried to toe up on second... 40 years of habit is hard to break.
My Uly now has GP shift also...

It was a good trip tho, met a bunch of good folks at the races and got a super visit with family down there.

I'll be there again next fall.