Crashed in the rain this morning... Going over three wide painted lines in the freeway, about 50mph. The front end washed out from under me.
I slid for what seemed like a ling way, then rolled for a while. May have broken my collar bone, not sure. Shoulder is really sore. One small (about 1-1/8" dia.) scuff on the helmet

The bike, ended up about 60 yards down the road on the other side of the freeway. My new exhaust pipes, no damage..! Clutch handle is bent, right side mirror is gone, the center got knocked out of the new windscreen (!). The magneto case is ground, but not thru, doesn't seem to be leaking. That's about all I can see in the dark. After a quick check by myself and one cop, I hit the starter and it started immediatly, sounded fine. Brakes felt fine, all the lights worked, so I drove it the other 20 miles to work.

No cars hit either me or the bike. Lucky...

Can't wait to see what it looks like in the daylight.
