Mr. Doosh

Sorry, I gave the same test a try to both a Buell shim and a Harley shim.
Guess what...not even a mark..! As I recall, I even tried fresh sand paper with WD-40...only s slight discolor. Working in the Aerospace industry for over 30 years has taught me a few things. Sand paper, files, burrs, etc. will NOT mark an item that measures 60 (or +) on the Rockwell C scale.

Although...a hammer and sharp center punch with a "hard" hit will..! Of course, that also depends on if said part is thru hard or surface hard. Then, if it's surface hard, how deep is the surface ?

Funny thing too, after calling Hot Cams and asking about their product, they told me they were as hard as they need to be for "shim under bucket"..!! Doesn't THAT say something.!

NOW...this is all about 2 two years old.
They (Hot Cams) COULD have changed their process and materials in this amount of time to make their product usable as a "wear" item with a "hard" surface.
If they have...good on them.
