During my search for the best deal, I talked to several dealerships with good news to report. They all stated that they had received some letters that the new owner will take possession soon, and they had confidence in the brand and intended to raise prices back up once they take ownership. They couldn't give me more information other than that, but it did make me feel better about everything. A few told me they would continue to offer warranty maintenance and they would be moving forward for the brand...

I did however find some dealers that are very upset they sold bikes at below cost, and they expected the new owner to compensate them. They also stated that some dealers are currently in litigation due to loss of customers because of everything that happened. I guess they did some warranty work, and some modifications to the clutch that were supposed to be reimbursable... I'm not sure about that too much, just wanted to put out some information I came across the last couple of days.

I hope for the best, and I hope that the dealers gain back confidence in the brand. My old bike just shipped out yesterday, and my new bike arrives on Thursday.