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Thread: strange high idle issue

  1. #1
    EBRforum Newb
    Join Date
    Feb 2020
    the commonweath

    Unhappy strange high idle issue

    hello everyone thank you for your consideration

    I have a 2014 1190rx that, when started cold, idles way up to ~3k rpm for a little while then calms into a nice ~1750rpm lope


    if I ride for a while, shut it down (key off), and start it back up, it will idle normally until the first time I crack the gas, after which it will idle hunting around 2500rpm+. this is a very high idle which makes shifting even into first gear at a stop something of a chore. no matter how long I leave it sitting it will stay sky high

    in either case the IAC says 40 steps and the closed throttle position is 3% in the diagnostics.

    any ideas???

  2. #2
    EBRforum Newb
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    Jul 2021
    I would start with a TPS reset. Did you make any changes before this started? You might want to check for a vacuum leak as well.

  3. #3
    EBRforum Expert Cooter's Avatar
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    In your basement
    Idle is also controlled by the clutch switch. It won't matter in neutral, but in gear if the clutch lever isn't pulled far enough to click the switch you will get a high idle.

    You can check for intake leaks by spraying up at the bottom of the intake box between the cylinders from under the frame. Ya it's tight in there.

  4. #4
    EBRforum Newb
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    Feb 2020
    the commonweath
    i'm definitely open to the thought it's a vacuum issue but if so then why doesn't it do it during the first ride of the day? I can ride for an hour and idle normally, shut it down turn it back on and within those seconds my idle is now 2500+

  5. #5
    EBRforum Newb
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    Jul 2021
    Have you tried cycling the ignition several times to see if the idle stays high each time? Could be heat affecting the electronics but you wouldn't think you would have to shut the bike off and restart it to make it happen.
    Have you tried going into the diagnostics screen and checking things like the IAT or the IACV steps? Just a couple of guesses.

  6. #6
    EBRforum Newb
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    the commonweath
    the IAC always goes to 40 steps whether it's idling normally or not and a TPS reset doesn't seem to have any effect, the throttle goes to 3% when closed either way

  7. #7
    EBRforum Newb
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    Jul 2021
    If the IAC is always 40 steps then I think I'd be looking for a vacuum leak.

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