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09-15-2015, 08:39 AM
Crashed in the rain this morning... Going over three wide painted lines in the freeway, about 50mph. The front end washed out from under me.
I slid for what seemed like a ling way, then rolled for a while. May have broken my collar bone, not sure. Shoulder is really sore. One small (about 1-1/8" dia.) scuff on the helmet

The bike, ended up about 60 yards down the road on the other side of the freeway. My new exhaust pipes, no damage..! Clutch handle is bent, right side mirror is gone, the center got knocked out of the new windscreen (!). The magneto case is ground, but not thru, doesn't seem to be leaking. That's about all I can see in the dark. After a quick check by myself and one cop, I hit the starter and it started immediatly, sounded fine. Brakes felt fine, all the lights worked, so I drove it the other 20 miles to work.

No cars hit either me or the bike. Lucky...

Can't wait to see what it looks like in the daylight.


09-15-2015, 09:28 AM
Glad to hear you are not hurt....

09-15-2015, 10:12 AM
That sucks .. glad you and the bike aren't too mangled ... don't you know you arent' supposed to ride in the rain !! .. It'll ruin your starter. :)

09-15-2015, 11:21 AM
Glad that you are all whole still. Keep that arm in a sling to let that collar bone heal. Those painted lines suck. We get those tar snakes all over the roads here and they are just as dangerous.

09-15-2015, 03:10 PM
Mike, don't worry! The main thing - himself unhurt, but the bike repaired.
I fell three times in the rain on the marking and tramways.

09-15-2015, 07:20 PM
Damage as seen in the daylight.

1. Broken collar bone (me).
2. Both mirrors. I broke the right side as I went over the front, left side has heavy grind marks on it.
3. Double bubble windscreen. Broke the windscreen as I went over...I think..!
4, Left side upper, mid and lower bodywork.
5. Left side fan housing.
6. Left side swing arm slider/lift bobbin
7. Ground magneto/generator cover, but not thru.
8. Left side handlebar.
9. Clutch lever.
10. Left side fan, not sure If Ill replace that though.

The forks, swingarm and frame all look good. Didn't even hurt the turn indicator lights. The fronts are flush mount and have a little scuffing on the left side light plastic. Apparently just hit the ground and slid smoothly to a stop

I think that's about it. I'll take a few days off work, order some parts and new rain gear.
I guess I'll be driving my little XB12x for a while.

First time down in the rain. I'm normally pretty good in the rain, not so today...


09-15-2015, 07:33 PM

09-15-2015, 09:45 PM
Dang Mike... Broken collar bone... yeah so I picked the bike up and went to work...

Glad you are ok...

09-15-2015, 11:42 PM
You have rain in SoCal? what is that, have not seen any in years in NoCal

Doug Porcaro
09-16-2015, 10:37 AM
Sorry to hear :( Broke my collar bone once.. not fun

09-16-2015, 03:05 PM
Glad your not hurt worse than you are , curbs at 50 can be BAD! The bike and parts availability,thats the problem, until they get back up and running at the new whatever EBR is gonna be. I went down on a slick of anti freeze last year,panel ,signal ,bar end and swing arm spool later,up and running.. I did get BG stator and clutch covers,r and g frame sliders,as long as the neck,frame are true,most of the battle is won

09-17-2015, 06:17 PM
New parts ordered.
We'll see how long it takes.
It's actually plenty drive-able, just looks like crap on the left side.

Hopefully I'll have the parts before my shoulder is ready..!


09-18-2015, 07:31 AM
Did you order the parts right from the EBR website?

09-19-2015, 03:57 PM
No sir. Ordered from On Track Motorsports. The dealer I bought the bike from.

This is annoying. The bone seems to attempt to fuse during the night (no/little movement), then pops loose as soon as I start moving around...like getting out of bed..!


09-19-2015, 05:09 PM
That sucks Mike. Fusing, then moving, then fusing; it is exactly how our bones have been evolving to heal for eons before doctors with metal rods and pins came along. The break will actually be stronger where it is fusing like that. Just like a cut, "It only hurts when it is healing."

09-23-2015, 06:56 PM
Bike parts wise -
The clutch lever isn't available. I "may" be able to straighten it. It"s got a long continuous curve to it, with no sharp bend spots...maybe.
The middle body panel doesn't seem to be available in "black". Everything else on the left side is on the way (three to four working days from today), including the right side mirror.

Me -
Been sleeping on the couch, sitting up, much more comfortable than bed. Tuesday was a good day pain wise, then I screwed up...Last night (Tuesday), I decided to try bed for sleeping. BAD mistake. I think I'm almost starting over in the fusing action. Today's been a popping and snapping day all day long. Seems like standing (or having my back more vertical) vs laying, puts a very different force on the bone.


09-23-2015, 07:02 PM

Are you really Tony Romo?...

10-20-2015, 08:34 PM
Well, after two healing setbacks from driving my car (no power steering), I finally made it out to the garage today for the first time since the crash.
I took off the clutch lever and straightened it, since stock ones are apparently not available. I was afraid of breaking it, but I was able to get it to about 98% and thought, why tempt fate, plenty good..!? Without using a straight edge, no one will be able to tell.
Cleaned off most of the road rash, painted, now drying.

My collar bone is just a tad more sore than before I started the task. No felt pops, or grinding, just some general overall pain. Not taking any pain meds to make sure I don't push too hard..! If I feel too much pain, I stop and do the task a different way..!

Gonna pick up my bike parts from the dealer Thursday or Friday.
