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View Full Version : It's Official- EBR 1190RX to be Revealed at AIM Expo October 16, 2013

09-18-2013, 07:39 PM
Posted to Facebook about an hour ago by Motorcyclist Magazine:

Just in from Erik Buell Racing: the firm's next new model, a derivation of the current 1190RS superbike, will be revealed on October 16 at the AIM Expo in Orlando, Florida. We'll be there to give you the first look at the new sportbike. Until then, here's what EBR says:

"The new, street-legal high performance motorcycle carries EBR’s model designation 1190RX and is a direct descendant of EBR’s race-bred limited edition 1190RS Super Bike. While the 1190RX shares its sibling’s 1190cc engine and many of EBR’s exclusive performance and handling-enhancing features, it is a new design created to tame the wildest roads and rouse the most demanding riders.

“This is the culmination of decades of dedication, innovation and teamwork,” said EBR founder Erik Buell. “We have been working to create a pure rider’s machine and a true world brand. From the heartland and the heart of America, these are extraordinary motorcycles that discerning riders everywhere will be passionate to own.”


09-19-2013, 06:40 AM
A little more info from motorcycle.com this morning:

"The unveiling of the EBR 1190RX will take place in EBR’s booth number 1157 at the AIMExpo at 12:00 noon on October 16."

09-20-2013, 10:38 AM
looking forward to it, hopefully a naked model follows shortly.

09-26-2013, 05:20 PM
A well-known long-time Bueller with a "factory connection" posted on Badweb today that pics of the 1190RX are turning up all over (you won't find his post; it's already been deleted). I've scoured the net and I can't find anything.

Anybody else seen anything of interest?

09-27-2013, 05:44 AM
A well-known long-time Bueller with a "factory connection" posted on Badweb today that pics of the 1190RX are turning up all over (you won't find his post; it's already been deleted). I've scoured the net and I can't find anything.

Anybody else seen anything of interest?
Hmmm, I haven't seen anything but with the official unveiling coming up in less than three weeks, that probably means there's information out there. I'm sure they're working on taking photos and distributing them under an 'embargo' agreement that would have people not show them until the official date, but once things are out there, they often leak, so we may see something soon. I remember photos of the XB12 leaking about a week ahead of the official date. And with the race this weekend, that would be a good time to build some buzz, so there may even be some more official information coming out this weekend. And if not . . . the official date is getting closer and closer.:evilgrinblack:

10-08-2013, 07:50 AM
Hmmm, I haven't seen anything but with the official unveiling coming up in less than three weeks, that probably means there's information out there. I'm sure they're working on taking photos and distributing them under an 'embargo' agreement that would have people not show them until the official date, but once things are out there, they often leak, so we may see something soon. I remember photos of the XB12 leaking about a week ahead of the official date. And with the race this weekend, that would be a good time to build some buzz, so there may even be some more official information coming out this weekend. And if not . . . the official date is getting closer and closer.:evilgrinblack:

Well, here we are ~8 days away from the reveal. No further "spoiler" photos from the factory; no hints of info anywhere else either.

I did get a clarification on the "photos all over" remark above. Apparently brochures/catalogs have been sent to the dealers and some dealers are placing them in plain sight, so if you have an EBR dealer near you, you might see something of interest when you drop by. Unfortunately, it's a ~400 mile round trip for me to visit my closest dealer. Guess I'll have to wait 'til next Wednesday.

10-08-2013, 06:58 PM
Well, here we are ~8 days away from the reveal. No further "spoiler" photos from the factory; no hints of info anywhere else either.

I did get a clarification on the "photos all over" remark above. Apparently brochures/catalogs have been sent to the dealers and some dealers are placing them in plain sight, so if you have an EBR dealer near you, you might see something of interest when you drop by. Unfortunately, it's a ~400 mile round trip for me to visit my closest dealer. Guess I'll have to wait 'til next Wednesday. Interesting. I might take a little trip on Saturday. And if I can get any shots with my cell-phone I'll be sure to share. :wink:

10-11-2013, 01:49 PM
The even-more intriguing thing that's being hinted is the last part of the official announcement: "Media representatives and motorcycle dealers are encouraged to attend, as a number of developments from the EBR team will be announced at that time."

The number 6 keeps getting thrown out by certain stealthy posters on Badweb. Perhaps the number of upcoming EBR models that will be announced? I guess we'll see.

Ed / AF1 Racing
10-12-2013, 07:43 AM
Hurry up Wednesday....we'll be posting up everything we find out

10-12-2013, 08:09 PM
The number 6 keeps getting thrown out by certain stealthy posters on Badweb. Perhaps the number of upcoming EBR models that will be announced? I guess we'll see. AMAZING rider Cameron Beaubier is #6. I hope I'm not reading too much into it, because that would be AWESOME. Beaubier and World Superbike?

10-12-2013, 08:11 PM
Hurry up Wednesday....we'll be posting up everything we find out :thumb:

10-13-2013, 03:05 PM
I see that Beaubier is supposedly joining Hayes in AMA Superbike for 2014, so that could shoot down that theory, but I have to imagine that if EBR offered to take him to WSBK Graves wouldn't stand in his way. I don't think they'd say: "Screw you. You signed a contract so you're stuck here in AMA Superbike with us." Still seems like the most logical interpretation of a cryptic '6' to me. http://www.amaproracing.com/images/drivers/cameron-beaubier-yamaha-extended-service-ama-pro-road-racing-as.jpg

10-13-2013, 03:10 PM
. . . but I do think it's unlikely Graves would let him go to Team Hero if he's just going to compete with them in the AMA, so I think if Beaubier is joining EBR it also means they're making the leap to WSBK - which would fit previously stated WSBK aspirations that have been reported.

10-13-2013, 07:59 PM
I posted in the 1190RX forum, but here's the new teaser shot posted on EBR's Facebook page yesterday:


10-14-2013, 05:15 AM
Okay Hugh, how about it? http://images.motorcycle-usa.com/PhotoGallerys/Beaubier-2012-2.jpg Vs: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1147627_10151713073597496_702920874_o.jpg The guy with the beard in the center looking directly into the camera? Possible, or just wishful thinking?

10-14-2013, 07:47 AM
Man, I don't know; could be.

10-14-2013, 08:13 AM
Man, I don't know; could be.

Yeah. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But based on the fact that it could be, and based on your insider mention of '6' and based on multiple references to EBR's interest in going WSBK racing, and based on the fact that we've heard there will be multiple announcements at Aim (and we already have pretty good info. that successive models will be released in stages), and based on Hero's clear interest in spreading word about their brand, and based on the fact that the 1190RX should be produced in amounts enough to reach homologation limits, I wouldn't be surprised if they announce that Cameron Beaubier (and probably Geoff May) will be racing WSBK in 2014 on a Hero/EBR team.

. . . but saying I wouldn't be surprised doesn't mean I would bet on it. I may well be letting wishfull thinking get the better of me, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is a real possibility. We've seen that Geoff has some real skill and clearly has an ability to get the best out of the bike. Beaubier is one of the most exciting young riders I've seen in the AMA (his performance in Sportbike this year was nothing short of amazing), and it's likely that the 1190RX incorporates a lot of things they've learned racing over the last several years. Also WSBK rules would allow them to make continued variations without being as locked into the design as AMA.

It would be a huge hill to climb, but a very exciting prospect. I'm not going to get too excited until we hear something more definite, but I'm hoping it's at least a possibility at this point.

10-14-2013, 09:20 AM
Another person of interest in the photo- someone on Badweb pointed out the guy holding the bicycle looks an awful lot like former Buell employee, most recently Zero Motorcycles chief technology officer Abe Askenazi.

10-14-2013, 09:29 AM
Another person of interest in the photo- someone on Badweb pointed out the guy holding the bicycle looks an awful lot like former Buell employee, most recently Zero Motorcycles chief technology officer Abe Askenazi.

Interesting. Did they get him back from Zero? That would be a nice acquisition if they did.

10-14-2013, 09:58 AM
Interesting. Did they get him back from Zero? That would be a nice acquisition if they did.

Unknown, his "Linkedin" profile still lists him at Zero, but then again Linkedin still shows Gary Pietruszewski, the guy listed on the official press release as the Vice President Global Sales for EBR as "VP Sales & Dealer Development at Piaggio Group Americas". Abe always seemed to be one of the front guys at Buell; I imagine Erik would get him back if he can.

10-14-2013, 10:26 AM
Unknown, his "Linkedin" profile still lists him at Zero, but then again Linkedin still shows Gary Pietruszewski, the guy listed on the official press release as the Vice President Global Sales for EBR as "VP Sales & Dealer Development at Piaggio Group Americas". Abe always seemed to be one of the front guys at Buell; I imagine Erik would get him back if he can.

:lol: You're more obsessed with this stuff than I am. I can't wait to see the new bike and find out other tidbits. Only two more days, but it's like waiting for Christmas. It seems like the closer we get, the more time drags.

10-14-2013, 10:55 AM
I should mention that when I first came up with the wacky Cameron Beaubier theory, my thought process was something like this: "6 - what could six be? Could it be six new models? Nah, that seems kind of crazy considering where they are. Even if they've got 6 bikes in various stages of development, they wouldn't announce all of them at one time. Much better to release them as they're becoming available and spread things out. Six cylinders? There's an intriguing possibility . . . but since we already know they've patented a hybrid, they're much more likely to go with a smaller engine combined with and electric motor than a 6 cylinder. Besides, they've always done light bikes. Going from a twin to a 6 cylinder seems an illogical leap. I've always assumed the extra announcement would probably have something to do with racing, not new models. Wait a minute! 6 could be the number of a rider."

At that point I went to the WSBK website to see who was #6. It turns out there's a rider named "Vladimir Ivanov" who rides supersport. "Okay, could be him, but he's not a big name and it would seem strange to tease the idea that they might hire him like that."

Then I thought it was more likely a rider in the AMA and I started to think: "Let's see, if I could have any rider, who would it be? Obviously, Cameron Beaubier had a great year and he's young with his whole career ahead of him. I'd love to see him on an EBR, but what's his number?"

At that point, I went to the AMA website to see what his number was and very coincidentally it was '6'. That was roughly a 1 out of 100 shot at that moment, but it was the 1 number I was hoping it would be.

10-14-2013, 02:04 PM
TwistedThrottle has posted two great pics of EBRs lined up to be displayed at AIMExpo. You can see a couple of RSs and the yellow RX in this photo. There are 4 bikes near the end of the line that appear to me to be Hero models:


and this is VERY clearly the new RX!


10-14-2013, 02:08 PM
:lol: You're more obsessed with this stuff than I am. I can't wait to see the new bike and find out other tidbits. Only two more days, but it's like waiting for Christmas. It seems like the closer we get, the more time drags.

LOL. I stumbled onto Linkedin about a year ago, and started reading about people at EBR. It was very interesting to see how a lot of people had been with Buell, went on to find other jobs after the closure, and then eventually wound up at EBR.

BTW- our "in the know" person at Badweb says that is not​ Askenazi. I didn't ask about #6 (yet).

10-14-2013, 03:17 PM
Woo Hoo!!! Looks like it confirms what we expected - that the RX is very similar to the RS. I find the exhaust the most interesting thing. It's definitely a visual improvement over the RS, but I was hoping they'd squeeze the whole thing underneath. Instead, it looks like they may have eliminated the underneath can and made the whole thing closer to a 'traditional', pre-Buell exhaust. Look at what we can see of the headers. That tube looks MASSIVE (or is that a heat-shield over a smaller tube?). I'm betting they've found ways to get more power from a lower-tuned engine . . . and hopefully that translates to even more power with race-tuning than they have with the RS.

The front brake cooler and rotor both look a little bigger than on the RS. I suspect they've made some improvements there. It almost looks like the rotor could be ceramic, but that would be crazy, wouldn't it?

Can't wait to see the whole thing and get more technical details! Thanks!

10-14-2013, 03:34 PM
I'm curious about the one under the cover. My guess is that's just another RX but they'll hide the others until they've done the official unveiling on Wednesday, but who knows? It would be cool if they show another model, but I expect we'll have to wait to see the AX and SX.

10-14-2013, 05:05 PM
The pics have been pulled from Facebook and Badweb. Someone did spot something of interest- note the guy near the top center of the photo sitting in a chair that appears to be texting. Just past him, there's a black and white poster that appears to be an ADV bike, and it appears that the poster is within the EBR compound. AX possibly?

10-14-2013, 05:52 PM
The pics have been pulled from Facebook and Badweb. Someone did spot something of interest- note the guy near the top center of the photo sitting in a chair that appears to be texting. Just past him, there's a black and white poster that appears to be an ADV bike, and it appears that the poster is within the EBR compound. AX possibly?

:lol: Well some people either have better eyes or better imaginations than I do. From what I can see, it looks like it could be an 1190RX or a XB12R . . . or bigfoot. If it as the AX, I think its actual appearance is safe until Wednesday.

10-16-2013, 06:50 AM
~4 hours, 10 minutes and counting.... :bannana:

10-16-2013, 08:32 AM
First leak from the just-opened AIMExpo, courtesy of the BuellXB forum:



They say they're going to try and do a live video feed from the show; see thread here:


10-16-2013, 08:56 AM
Nice!:thumb: Now that we've had a peek, the specs and details are what I'm really interested in. I'm sure they've made some improvements since their original 1190 race bike that may not be obvious but probably really matter.

10-16-2013, 09:00 AM
Yea, that's 10 HP and 5 ft-lbs more torque than the ~$40k 1190RS, and only 23 lbs more wet weight, which means the RX has almost an identical power-to-weight ratio for ~half the cost.

2 hours and counting...