View Full Version : No Dash at all???

03-10-2021, 04:11 PM
Howdy all. I live in the frozen north and at some point my battery tender became unplugged in my neighbors garage. Probably for quite a while as it was dead. I plugged it back in and went back day later and started bike. She’s running fine, but dash is totally black. Nothing. Was working perfectly before this incident.

Any thoughts? It’s been running about 15 minutes now and still nothing. Even turned it off and back on again.

03-10-2021, 04:24 PM
And I mean frozen north. 32 below wind chill and 6 below zero last week. Friends garage is not heated.

03-10-2021, 10:05 PM
Li-Ion batteries HATE to charge below freezing. Much less, SIXTY degrees past that. IMO test that first and next winter take that battery out to someplace that doesn't freeze and put it on a tender there. I say this because battery issues can cause all sorts of crazy electrical anomalies. Because you at least checked your fuses before you turned on the computer to post right?

and move somewhere warmer! I got cold just thinking about that! LOL.