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View Full Version : User Map and Registry -

06-09-2016, 11:39 AM
Hey guys, need some help with a project of mine. I have been working on this for awhile and I finally have it to where it is presentable.

I am trying to make this the largest online database for active users, Buell history, and the future of the Buell/EBR bikes. The site is meant to be a resource for all riders. As of now the focal point is the User database and Buell specific information. It also has links to Buell information and sales sites as well as other links. I have also set up a section that piggy-backs Twin Motorcycles OEM part service and OEM diagrams. I will soon have a section up with PDF files for all Buell manuals and parts books. Then I am planning on implementing a wiki section that has all of the good forum write ups I can find organized and categorized for easy access.

The database includes the following information: Forum origin, forum username, forum profile link (also available to use facebook), Bike model, year, make, displacement, general location, as well as international full view interactive user map

I need YOU to go fill out the registry form. It should be all spelled out for you there but if you have any additional questions post them here or email me through the site using the address at the bottom of the page.

If you have any contributions you wish to add to the page please do the same,

REGISTRY FORM LINK (accessible through TGP) : (http://thegoosepage.wix.com/the-goose-page#!buellebrr/c14tm) http://thegoosepage.wix.com/the-goose-page#!buellebrr/c14tm

REGISTRY RESULTS DIRECT LINK (accessible through TGP) : (https://www.appsheet.com/start/732c153d-1dc1-481c-8bb4-4a642b23f314#_appName=EBRBuell-163987&_columnOrder=%5B%22Username%22%2C%22Location%22%2C %22Model%22%2C%22Forum%22%2C%22Profile%22%2C%22Yea r%22%2C%22CC%22%2C%22Last+4+digits+of+VIN+%23%22%5 D&_columnWidth=%22Default%22&_control=Registry+&_groupBy=%5B%5D&_page=fastTable&_sortBy=%5B%7B%22Column%22%3A%22Username%22%2C%22O rder%22%3A%22Ascending%22%7D%5D&_table=EBR+%26+Buell+Registry+(Responses))

The Goose Page: (Home) : (http://thegoosepage.wix.com/the-goose-page) http://thegoosepage.wix.com/the-goose-page

Give me some feedback.

Thanks for helping out guys.

Update: The registry and map will be available as a downloadable app. I am working on a few tweaks and then it should be up and running. I will post the download link here when it is finished.

Also, keep this thread bumped when you contribute! Let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions for the site or system.

To amend any entries or add missing information email it to me at the email listed on the site.

For the profile link, when logged in click on your username in the top right corner of the page. This will take you to your profile. Just copy and paste the http address in the browser bar and that is all you need

This is already posted on Buellxb.com and badweb. I will be sharing it to a few FB groups as well.

07-19-2016, 10:13 PM
Bump...registered... :)

07-22-2016, 08:19 PM
Registered as well

07-23-2016, 04:16 PM
What kind of map do you use?

This is a simple map I made up on Google of the available Laguna Blue bikes. Since it is a shared Google Drive file, as I update my list, it will automatically show up to anyone else viewing the existing file. It would be great to have a map with all of the EBRs out there. Plus, you can set up different layers, like showing just the RXs, just the Blues, etc.


02-14-2017, 01:05 PM
great idea, keep up the good work.

02-14-2017, 01:44 PM
Do you have the app up and running? I could see myself using it. Got a link?
Also, registered.

03-01-2017, 03:59 PM
App didnt load