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Thread: Rear shock removal ?

  1. #1
    EBRforum ProvNov
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    Sep 2017

    Rear shock removal ?

    I dived into this thinking it should be fairly straight forward - guess I failed my IQ test.

    I've got the shock body unbolted and out, I'm trying to remove the reservoir. I pulled the seat and airbox cover, everything else is in place.

    Any suggestions ?

    I should add that the EBR service manual doesn't appear to cover it, NCCR doesn't appear to have anything relating to this, and Google was not my friend today.
    Last edited by ACM; 08-20-2023 at 05:48 PM.

  2. #2
    EBRforum ProvNov
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    Sep 2017
    So a night's sleep makes a world of difference. Japanese vehicles, cars and motorcycles,share a common design language - I went into this with decades of Japanese vehicles and nothing else. Really - who uses a 15mm nut !?! I mean really anyone, anywhere, ever ?

    I messed up, the lowest setting on my Kendon lift put the bike way too high. I couldn't lift the shock-disconnected bike high enough to give me room to work. So if you have an 8 foot ceiling do not use the Kendon lift - my wife hit the garage door opener and we now have a broken garage door as well... So pay close attention to that because I did not. My next lift - which will happen very soon - will be either a K&L lift or an A-Plus. Much better, much more versatile, and much cheaper than a new garage door...What the f***k was I thinking !?! Cheap is never ever better than good. And you can quote me on this to your SWMBO, I will back you up.

    1. Remove seat
    2. Disconnect and remove battery
    3. disconnect all under-seat electrics.
    4. Remove the ECU (T27)
    5. Unbolt the 2 screws in the front left channel in the front plastic shroud that hold the OEM shock reservoir in place (T27)
    6. Remove the front portion of the plastic guard that is held in place by the front screw of the ECU
    7. Unbolt the top Shock mount - I needed a 2 foot extension to do this !! (T40) - it's only supposed to be 50 Nm - which since it's double shear is way too much anyway...And it's a 15mm nut ? Who uses a 15mm nut - I mean really, who uses a 15mm nut...Anywhere, ever ?!?
    8. Remove rear fender before you attempt 9) - specially if you have the CF replacement. No I won't explain why I know...
    9. Unbolt the bottom shock mount. (T27)
    10. Finagle the remote reservoir out the top, and then feed the entire unit out the bottom
    11. The Wilbers shock goes in "upside down" (heavy part {reservoir} is unsprung) which I'm totally not OK with - large mass in unsprung weight, light mass in sprung - not cool but...
    12 Put all the **** back that you had to remove/disconnect/unbolt.
    13. All done, back on the road.

    Not difficult once you figure it out. Just don't approach it with a Japanese headset, which was my problem. You need an open mind.

    If I missed anything feel free to respond.

    Mods, this should probably be a sticky ?
    Last edited by ACM; 08-21-2023 at 09:10 PM.

  3. #3
    EBRforum Expert Cooter's Avatar
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    In your basement
    I also have the Wilburs (LOVE IT) but wouldn't be at all worried about #11. The reservoir is 'big, ya... but an almost empty can and so close to the swing arm pivot the difference in un-sprung weight (momentum, actually) would be close to immeasurable. The upgrade is rear suspension control is still a HUGE cumulative upgrade, IMO.

  4. #4
    EBRforum ProvNov
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    Sep 2017
    I get why it's "wrong way up", given all the wiring/tubing in that area, just disappointing :)

    Currently trying to bring the Shorai back to life - it's been raining so much here that I haven't been riding in ages; I put the battery back on the charger when I removed it and now I'm getting an error indicating a charge imbalance. Hopefully that will go way eventually. That said, it pissed it down yesterday, thunder storms for today, maybe I should trade the bugger for a jet ski ?

    Now I'm just waiting for the new ECM to show up so I can get the NCCR/AHP/SC exhaust fitted - which looks gorgeous sitting on the bench, beautiful welding.

  5. #5
    EBRforum Expert Cooter's Avatar
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    Are you on a dedicated Shorai charger? The one that the little plug plugs into the middle? Its the only way I know of to resurrect them, a regular charger can be dangerous on Li-Ion batteries that do not have internal balancing circuitry like Shorai. I would DEFINITELY charge it outside the bike (and outside the house), if it was acting this way.

    If its balanced I have no issue with using a regular charger to top it off. The higher the voltage the better.

  6. #6
    EBRforum ProvNov
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    Yes, dedicated Shorai charger; I've been trying the procedure detailed in the FAQ, but it doesn't seem to be working. Apparently EBR/Buell just ordered a bunch of batteries from Shorai so I might be able to get one there. Otherwise change to an AntiGravity battery which I have in my Aprilias. What's another useless Shorai charger...:)

    Just put a couple hundred miles on the Wilbers - definitely a bit of alright ! Rather too much HSC for our pot-hole-riddled New England roads, but nothing a little tweak can't cure. And this very definitely confirmed the Showa was well past its sell-by date.

  7. #7
    EBRforum Expert Cooter's Avatar
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    I'm moving to a Li-Ion brand with internal circuitry when both my Shorais get old, which is soon. Not that I've been too unhappy with the Shorai, I just think tech has moved on.

    I don't know where they leave the settings on the Wilburs from the factory? Just in the middle IIRC. But certainly nowhere they need to be for your weight and riding style. Have fun tweaking your knobs:)

  8. #8
    EBRforum Newb
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    I am also very unhappy with Shorai charger. Glad its not only me If its working fine for somebody else then its ok but I don’t have the any good experience with this one.

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